Sponsor me

I have no idea how this will work but as I’ve just dumped the form in the office kitchen, and sent round an “encouraging” email at work, I figured I’d give you beautiful, generous people a shot too.

And don’t say I didn’t warn you.

On Sunday the 10th December I’m running a 5k (5 kilometres). It’s easily the furthest I’ve ever run (did 4K yesterday) and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll be running to raise funds for the Parkinson’s Appeal, which will further the research into finding a cure for this horrible, debilitating disease.

A close friend of my parents was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years back, he’s been through all the possible treatments, including some trial drugs, and is approaching the point where the drugs will no longer be able to help him. If you met him today, you might not know he suffers, you might not know that his body will spasm, painfully and uncontrollably, at night. He laughs about his illness, jokes about it in an attempt to meet it head-on.

So, if you want to sponsor me you can either:

1. Paypal me some money (see below).
2. Send me a cheque (or cash), email me for details – gordon @ [domain name].
3. Donate yourself.

I’m sure most of you can spare £5 or so? £1 per km? Or maybe you want to pledge money on condition that I finish it? (ye of little faith!)

And don’t worry, I won’t be asking again*, it’s only because it’s my first time!

* I reserve the right to change my mind and try and fleece you again in the future, but hey, it’s for chariddee mate!

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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