Reading time: 2 mins In my copious spare time I have been known to design and build websites. The first website I ever built was for the first company I worked for, back in 1996, so I’ve been at it a while. However it’s only been the past couple of years that I’ve started to get some larger clients […]

Nota Bene

Reading time: < 1 min Just a quick note to say that there is nothing of note to note here because, like everyone, I’m pretty busy at the moment. I’m heading into a period of 6 day work weeks, from now until the end of June. I’m close to finishing off a website for a client despite a fairly snag […]


Reading time: < 1 min No, don’t worry, I’m not going to subject you all to my dulcet tones but I would like to mention two sets of podcasts which are well worth monitoring. Not normally something I make time for, I’ve recently started going to the gym and it’s an ideal time to zone out and catch up on […]

Star Trek

Reading time: 2 mins IMDB information Metacritic reviews Star Trek sucks. There, I said it. I’ve never been a fan, never really ‘got’ the whole vibe of the show and so it’s far to say that I really don’t understand the fanaticism that surrounds it. But then I don’t really understand why anyone would want to dress up as […]

Author-it Tidy Up

Reading time: < 1 min Firstly a quick thank you to everyone who has commented on the previous post. What a fantastic bunch you are, and as I mentioned in the comments, I’ll be using your first names and locations in an infographic for an upcoming presentation. Fame will be yours! (Note: fame not guaranteed) In other news I’m deep […]

Windows 7 RC

Reading time: 3 mins Having installed the Release Candidate of Windows 7 a couple of days ago, I have to say I’m fairly impressed and it may even sway me to keep a Windows box in the future despite plans to move to Apple hardware/software completely. Let me tell you why.