One Minute

Reading time: < 1 min My current role is changing a bit, with some additional responsibilities being added, specifically around line management. As such, I’ve been reading The One Minute Manager and have to admit it’s given me a lot to think about. The basic principles are to instill any team members or staff with a simple structure in which […]

How to write an instruction manual

Reading time: < 1 min BBC Radio 4 are broadcasting a 30 minute show on this topic. Engineer Mark Miodownik presents an instruction manual on how to write an instruction manual, exploring the history and the future of product guides and how they chart our changing relationship with technology. He looks at how product guides have changed over the centuries, […]

One & Other

Reading time: 2 mins I know what I like. It’s a phrase I use quite often when discussing art, mainly because it’s not an area I’m all that familiar with having never really studied it other than the odd wander round a gallery or two. I’m quite open to most forms of art, and I’ll happily wander round an […]

On getting older

Reading time: < 1 min I am middle aged. I am in the middle of my life, the young foolish years are behind me, the more sensible, thoughtful years, lie before me. Or so says convention but, you know what, I can’t say things like convention have ever bothered me all that much. Don’t get me wrong, I am very […]

Weekend Mantra

Reading time: < 1 min I must not waste the weekend. I must not waste the weekend. I must not waste the weekend. The reason I’m repeating this is because, from Saturday afternoon until late Sunday evening I have the place to myself. And the footie season is starting. And I have a list of things that need done around […]

That sudden tightness

Reading time: 2 mins Driving home tonight along the A82, I’m doing 58mph in a 50mph zone. As I approach a corner a motorbike zips by me. I round the corner and just as I pass the exit ramp from the local quarry, I spot a blue light. Shit. I immediately take my foot off the accelerator but don’t […]