At the conference

Reading time: < 1 min Morning, in a short while I’ll be delivering my presentation, trying to keep everyone awake whilst I waffle on about why blogging is the best thing ever and WHY AREN’T YOU DOING IT?? Or words to that effect… Don’t worry though, dear reader, you can view the presentation and read through some of my notes […]

I am excited!

Reading time: < 1 min This evening I’m flying down to East Midlands airport and from there I’ll be making my way to Mickelover Hotel (near Derby) where I’m attending, and speaking at, the Technical Communications conference. I’ve not done much public speaking with my last outing being a couple of years ago at a similar, smaller, conference and that […]

Conference Connections

Reading time: 2 mins I’m still tweaking my presentation for the Technical Communications UK conference, Thursday morning is looming larger and larger in my view so I’m distracting myself with considering the other good things that happen at conferences. For me people are the primary reason for attending a conference. Don’t get me wrong, the value can be measured […]

Musings on Manchester

Reading time: 2 mins So, that was Manchester eh? I’m just processing some of the photos I took and thinking back over the past couple of days. What sort of impression did Manchester make on me? Hmmmm. Let’s start with the good stuff. The main reason I was there to see Elbow in their last gig for a wee […]

All is not me

Reading time: 2 mins Having my iPhone not quite working properly over the past few days made me realise just how hooked into the ‘online world’ I am. I think I have a good balance though, it’s not like I spend all day staring at screens of information, cherry-picking things I’m interested in, things I might find useful in […]

Tell the truth

Reading time: 3 mins In direct contrast to my recent experience with Royal Mail, I’ve also had some issues with my iPhone and had to deal with the Geniuses at the Apple store in Glasgow. Genius might be over-egging it a bit but suffice to say the experience was far far more positive and is an excellent example in […]