Santa is on his way

So, go on then, which list are you on? Naughty or Nice?

Naughty for me, without doubt, and frankly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Those “Nice” kids have no fun whatsoever, life is too short.

I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve already, but then as my sleeping patterns are all fucked up as I’m hacking and coughing like a the seasoned 80-a-day smoker I’m not. Huge balls of phlegm that gargle and bubble in my… ohh too much information? Sorry. It’s not too bad to be honest, and if nothing lese means I have a real excuse for sitting watching movies all day (all 4 hours of The Ten Commandments the other day, currently singing along to The King and I).

And tomorrow the big day itself. A day of presents and food, and drink and.. ohh I’m tired thinking about it already.

Perhaps it’s time for another snooze.

To all who celebrate, have a very Merry Christmas!

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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wee sis says:

Aw get cold capsules down you and stop moaning! Just jesting xx Hope you are ok and on the mend, hope you can enjoy Xmas day with us as much as you can, got some fry up stuff for Boxing day morning, but all the more for me if you don’t kip over xx

Orrabest to you and yours Gordon!

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