What's for dinner?

Tonight is the night then. Get your haggis in the oven, mash those neeps and tatties, open your best whisky and enjoy the company.

O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us
An foolish notion:
What airs in dress an gait wad lea’es us,
An ev’n devotion!

To a louse – Robert Burns

Not sure what I’m blethering on aboot?

Thought: Is this the closest Scotland will get to rivalling the impact of St.Patrick’s Day?

My Dad is currently president of the Dumbarton Burns Club* and also sings and recites at many a supper at this time of year. I think last year he attended … well.. more than 8… I think (Dad, feel free to clarify here!). I’ve yet to fully embrace our national bard but it’s only a matter of time. Mind you I used to be able to sing a few of his songs by heart so there is some hope for me yet.

UPDATE: Just got an email from Mum who says: “Dad is off to Dumfries to sing at Burns’ s old pub and to sleep in Burns’s old house -the very bed no doubt. He’s quietly chuffed and spent last night pacing the floor trying desperately to look casual and as if it was an every day occurence …”

* He also created the website and his mugshot is somewhere on the site as well.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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