How to Write

Reading time: < 1 min What a wonderful group of people you are, my dear readers and fellow Twitterers. I asked for some suggestions as I’m pulling together a short, internal, workshop covering some simple techniques and tips for the “non-writers” in our organisation. I received some great suggestions and a couple of excellent links and, as promised, here is […]

Frosty Spruce

Reading time: < 1 min Frosty Spruce, originally uploaded by Gordon. The freezing fog cleared and left little droplets of sparkle on everything. Sometimes words aren’t enough.


Reading time: 2 mins Two things happen to me on a semi-regular basis. Well, a lot of things happen to me on a semi-regular basis but I’m only going to mention two of them in this blog post. Frankly if I was to list all the things that happen to me on a semi-regular basis I’d be here all […]

Always Learning

Reading time: < 1 min In using up the last of my holiday allocation for the year, I find myself finishing up on the 17th December and not returning to work until the 5th of January. Previously I’d have viewed that as a good chance to get some things done (and there are two things I MUST get done before […]

Writing techniques

Reading time: 2 mins How do you get started? Faced with that pristine new document, all that whitespace, what do you generally do to start writing that document? Like most companies, we have a number of people who create content in a number of different styles and formats. The main producers are, of course, the technical writing team, but […]

Curious Daylight

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve spent most of the evening retagging MP3s in my iTunes library in an effort to get them all cleaned up. I tried this with a bit of software before but it did more damage than good so I’m just slowly working my way through by hand and, as it turns out, it’s quite fun […]