The Piano

Reading time: < 1 min The Piano, originally uploaded by Gordon. This piano encapsulates a large part of my life.

THAT time of year

Reading time: 2 mins Casting a wary eye over my calendar for the next month or so, given that we are now only a calendar month away from that day which tends to dominate things at this time of year, I realised that, as usual, my weekends are slowly melting into a morass of shopping trips, nights out and […]

Access is good

Reading time: 1 min Yesterday we launched a new version of our developer community website. It doesn’t have many ‘community’ features as yet but that’s all to come. One thing it does now have is an HTML version of all of our product documentation, in an easily searchable format. It’s no coincidence that it looks very much like the […]

Skunk Anansie

Reading time: 2 mins A long time ago, in a blue football stadium, I saw Skunk Anansie support a certain 80s rock band (ohh ok, it was Bon Jovi, now shush). The day wasn’t a great one, the weather was crap, the PA system poor and the entire day was largely forgetable. At the time Skunk Anansie were about […]

Olivia Newton John

Reading time: < 1 min They make me laugh, if I’m honest. Not out loud, and not heartily, and there is a level of wonder and envy but, ultimately, I laugh at their preening and posing. But never to their face. As I puff and wheeze, legs failing on the bike as I crank out another kilometre, I can see […]

Information Strategy Pyramid

Reading time: 3 mins The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. As such, it stands to reason that two monkeys would be able to produce the same volume of […]