Are you interruptable?

Reading time: 2 mins Over the past couple of years my job has changed. I have the same title and job description as I did before but the structure of my day is dramatically different. I certainly don’t do much writing any more, other than the odd page or two here and there. Instead I find myself discussing strategies, […]

Rock and Roll

Reading time: < 1 min A quick update on my rock and roll lifestyle. On Monday night I spent most of the evening surfing the internet, online window shopping for new furniture and other bits and bobs. Last night I spent some of the evening flicking through catalogues, browsing for new furniture and other bits and bobs. Jealous, aren’t ya. […]

Virtual Shopping

Reading time: 2 mins I’m the worst person in the world when it comes to buying big ticket items as I find myself lost in endless loops of reviews, recommendations, better options, different options, cheaper deals, discounts and before long I start to lose interest and end up just not buying something or, more often than not, I end […]

Desire to create

Reading time: < 1 min I have a Tumblr account and spend far too long on the main website, randomly surfing and finding all manner of wonderous things to “reblog”. It’s an interesting place, filled with angst-ridden teens, provoking artists of many forms and twats like me who don’t actually create anything. I use Tumblr mostly for capturing things in […]

Not here, there

Reading time: < 1 min Well hello there! Apologies for the lack of updates recently, suffice to say there is a lot of ‘stuff’ going on at the moment and, inevitably, things like this blog are the first to suffer (which is, of course, perfectly correct). For the next couple of weeks you are probably better keeping an eye on […]

Dr. Who

Reading time: < 1 min I’m not a big fan of this show. I probably should be something about it just never really rang true with me in the past. When Mr. Ecclestone took on the role I watched the first of those and, mostly underwhelmed I didn’t bother watching many others. Then Mr. Tennant came along so I thought […]