Quick, slow

Reading time: < 1 min I seem to have fallen into a stupor. The weekends are spent avidly doing nothing, whilst making sure the house doesn’t get into too much of a mess. Week days are all about Work during the day, and work in the evening. But don’t worry, dearest reader, balance is being maintained and once we get […]

Decisions, decisions

Reading time: < 1 min One personal flaw (I have a few) is that I can make decisions a little too hastily. Case in point, in our hunt for a team wide task tracking application, after some searching and experimentation we plumped for a bastardisation of Remember The Milk. It’s not as ideal as we’d hoped but it ‘would do’. […]

I am cool again!

Reading time: 2 mins It’s a revelation to me as well, so I’ll pause to let you digest that juicy title. *pauses* OK, so it’s stretching the truth a bit, well a lot, well it’s entirely possible that it’s downright lie but let us move on lest I lose all self-esteem and realise just how far I am from […]