Now I’m here

Reading time: 2 mins Ohh original… using a Queen song for the title… But that’s the thing, I’m not here often, not writing, not capturing my thoughts for all to see. In fact I hardly write much of anything at all. No time at work (cos, you know, I’m Working) and no time at home (cos, you know, I’m […]


Reading time: 3 mins I went to a conference and it was good! As ever the Technical Communications Conference sparked thought, debate and no little amount of revelation. The sessions I managed to attend were all well presented, well considered and well received, and the chats over lunch, dinner and at the bar prove to me that I’m in […]


Reading time: < 1 min   What a funny word… meander. Anyway, Saturday saw us doing just that, walking from my flat, down Byres Rd, stopping off for a coffee, a peek round some antiques shops, and on to the Riverside Museum where some mental people on bikes were flying through the air. After that, we wandered… sorry meandered… back […]

How to embed linked images in Word 2010

Reading time: < 1 min One of the most popular posts on my blog was written a few years ago but still gets a lot of visits and comments; How to embed linked images in Word 2007. Some of the comments have offered better solutions and one in particular I found myself searching for today. Having upgrade to Office 2010 […]


Reading time: < 1 min Murrayfield Stadium, originally uploaded by Gordon. In total I’ve raised over £850, so thank you to everyone who donated. I quite enjoyed myself, thankfully the weather held and I almost managed it in my target of 4 hours (4hrs 7mins in total). Add in cycling to and from Glasgow Green and I covered 69 miles […]

When life is good

Reading time: < 1 min I tend to forget about this little blog, more and more frequently I’m too caught up in the ‘now’ of things happening. Twitter is useful in that respect as it’s less daunting to use to capture a passing thought, no pressure to flesh it out into a longer blog post. Cycling is going well, the […]