
Reading time: 2 mins “Ying this” said Yang. His name is Maudlin. He can’t help it, he did not choose it, it was given to him. He is drawn, like a vivid butterfly daubed with life, to the dark and raging volcano. Blinded and burnt as it approaches, seared wings fizzle and disappear until nothing is left. Life dies […]

Highs and Lows

Reading time: 2 mins Well that was a pretty, damn epic weekend. Friday night involved mulled cider, lipstick on boobs, and other nefarious goings on including realising it was time to go to bed because daylight was returning. It was one of those unexpectedly good evenings of making new friends, and probably involved a little more whisky than was […]

On not blogging

Reading time: < 1 min A product release is imminent. A trip to visit two customers in the US of A. Ongoing complications with the new ISTC website (soon, soon!). Planning for 2012, including a major restructure of our content. Actual writing some documentation (a rare occurrence!). Plus all the usual things that life is wont to throw at us. Maybe […]

Cooking of the slow variety

Reading time: < 1 min Having received a slow cooker for my birthday (rock ‘n’ roll!) I’ve been enjoying some tasty dishes, culled from a couple of recipe books aimed at said method of cooking. Meat based dishes are wonderfully tender, and full of flavour, soup based dishes are thick, wholesome and not laced with salt like most canned soups […]


Reading time: < 1 min I don’t know Barbara and to be honest, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to. I only know Barbara because of her repeated attempts at posting comments on this blog. They have all been blocked as spam (because they are) but I have to admire her tenacity. However, I don’t think Barbara is real. In […]

Getting around

Reading time: < 1 min Boston in the fall. Lovely, even though I only had a few hours to wander the streets and take the duck tour. Gorgeous place, friendly people, definitely one to revisit.  I was a little bit spoiled by the fact it was around 21C in glorious sunshine but, nevertheless, Boston has a charm that is almost […]