Resolved to be new

I lied. I know I wrote previously about not having resolutions but (as Blue Witch points out in the comments) I did have resolution. I am determined to make this year a good one.

However I’m very goal oriented so I did, quietly, set myself the following goals:

  • Read one book a month.
  • Take a photo everyday.
  • Lose at least 8kg (aiming for 95kg, just under 15stone).

Progress so far:

  • I’ve read one book (Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Spy), and halfway through a second (Oryx and Crake).
  • I’ve almost managed this one (the day I missed I remember but then forgot again! gah!)
  • I’m cheating a little, but over the course of last year, I’ve gone from 111kg to 103kg.

I’m quite happy with my progress and here’s the thing, I realised recently that I am prepared to fail at the first two; If I don’t read a book every month, that’s OK, so long as I’m making the effort to read more (which is actually about taking a small amount of time here and there for myself). If I don’t take a photo everyday that’s OK too, it was more aimed at getting me to slow down and look at the world around me.

Losing weight is, unfortunately, not something I can ‘fail’ at. However as that’s more about eating healthily and being more active, it too is something I’m learning to accept small failures in. If I put on 1kg over a weekend, then that’s ok, I just need to adjust over the following few weeks.

I’m enjoying eating more fruit and veg, enjoying the after effects of exercise although it can still be a struggle to get moving, and slowly the weight is dropping. And yes, I bought Withings scales (and the blood pressure monitor too as that’s the main driver behind my weight loss).

All of this is helping me be better at taking time for me, and that has in turn lead to some other discoveries about myself. Things that have always been there but have lain dormant, things that I am now starting to explore and question, everything from my sexuality, through religious beliefs and on to politics.

I am also much more confident in being honest. That will include here in time (it’s still one thing to tell family and friends, quite another to spill with you lot), but by now the people who need to know already know.

One thing I am carrying over from last year is removing as much negativity from my life as I can. I wasn’t the happiest person (particularly at work) in the latter half of 2011, but I’m rectifying that. I have so little to complain about I really should just get on with living my life.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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I think that’s a pretty good (and realistic) way to handle things, to be honest.

I know what I’ve got to do (and for the most part want to do) this year, and will continue to work towards those goals. The first month hasn’t been great progress on them, but I knew it wouldn’t be.

And now, with a new contract starting today and so on, it feels like there’s more chance for the rest over the year.

All the best to you with your goals – I know you’ll get there.

I think (if I read correctly) that what you are talking about is balance and shifting that balance a little. So, the fun/gluttony/indulgence is ok if balanced by a bit of being good. And the being honest with others is fine if balanced with being true to yourself.
Which is all very laudable but probably easier to say than to do. So setting some realistic aspirations (goals are too boring and strict – it’s more about a direction of travel than a destination) seems a good way to go about things.
Maybe I should start blogging again. Then I might think about these things a bit more in the context of me, which might well be a good thing. Hmm.
Anyway, good luck.

Thanks guys!

And yes, being honest with others is probably the hardest thing, being honest with myself isn’t all that easy.

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