New ISTC Website is live

Reading time: < 1 min It’s Friday the 13th (still!) what better day to announce that the new ISTC website is going live. I have just updated the domain nameservers to point to the new website. It can take a day or so for these things to propagate through the Internet so it might not appear immediately for everyone. […]

Not stopping…

Reading time: < 1 min But thought I’d say hello. Gosh, quite a lot has happened in the past, what, 10 days.. hang on, IS THAT ALL? Blimey. So, I bought a new car. It’s blue (Horizon Turquoise Blue to you). It’s a hybrid. It has a few nice gadgets. It’s quite small. It’s rather bloody lovely and looks like […]

Back on the bike

Reading time: < 1 min April? APRIL! What the… How does this happen?! Anyway, life continues apace (it seems). Holidays are being booked, cars being pondered, and still in the background a website remains unfinished. Must. Get. It. Done. Weight continues to fluctuate, the last two weeks I’ve been ill (again) and as the course of antibiotics finishes I’m getting […]