The Best Google Reader alternative

Reading time: 2 mins It was only back in December that I pondered thisย but with the news that Google Reader is to shut down I find myself revisiting some of those choices. I still use Google Reader heavily, I consume it mostly through the website itself and via Reeder on my iPad, so it’s annoying that they are pulling […]

Bad Motorist

Reading time: < 1 min You couldn’t make it up. One day after berating a bad cyclist, I have the perfect example of how to be a bad motorist. Part of my commute crosses a small, narrow, humpback bridge. It’s an old bridge, with high solid stone walls. Visibility is nil from either side. Obviously this is the perfect place […]


Reading time: < 1 min Living With Less. A Lot Less. – russell-brand-life-without-drugs

Bad Cyclist

Reading time: 2 mins I was driving to work this morning and witnessed a minor incident that irked me. As I approached a pedestrian crossing the lights were changing back to green and by the time the car in front got to them, they had been green for a couple of seconds. That didn’t stop a cyclist, cycling on […]


Reading time: < 1 min If You’re Too Busy to Meditate, Read This Still Abiding After 15 Years: The Laid-Back World of ‘Big Lebowski’ Worship – Ashley Fetters – The Atlantic Hugo Chavez is dead. Hereโ€™s what happened when Christopher Hitchens visited him with Sean Penn in 2008. – Slate Magazine Web-connected cars bring privacy concerns – The Washington Post […]


Reading time: 2 mins This seems to be the number that is driving a lot of my thoughts at the moment. 100. Kilograms to be precise. I’ve been a little bit lighter (and a lot heavier in the past) but for the past few months I’ve maintained my weight around the 100kg mark. This needs to change, more exercise, […]