Month June 2013
Reading time: 2 mins I have no idea how many gigs I’ve attended in my lifetime. I do know that I have tickets for them all, stored away in a drawer, all the way back to the first one (Simple Minds). I’ve sporadically written up attendance at some of the more recent gigs, but by and large I’ve not […]
If I wasn’t doing this
Reading time: 2 mins What would I be doing? When people ask me, if you could do anything, what job would you do? Well, I tend to flippantly respond by saying that I’d be a Zookeeper. Part of me believes that. The part that loves animals, that finds them fascinating and would love to spend more time around them. Part of […]
Reading time: < 1 min I’ve had insomnia on and off for years but in the last year or so it’s started to occur more frequently. I’m starting to figure it out though and it’s definitely work related. It seems that, during periods of high stress, my insomnia kicks in. Beyond that I’m a bit hazy about why I wake […]