Currently Pondering

Whilst I have other blog posts brewing, the following topics are all swirling in my brain (in a good way) so I thought I’d jot them down for posterity (mine, not yours).


We didn’t make it this year. I’ve been swithering between not being bothered (from a line-up point of view) and being very bothered and a little bit miffed and upset, mostly though I wish we’d managed to get tickets. Yes it was raining and muddy but I did miss just being part of it.


I received a rough sketch for my next tattoo which starts on Friday, a new artist but her work is great and I’m really looking forward to it! More than a little poignant as the inspiration is taken from a tapestry my Mum did years ago that I’ve always admired which has recently been taken off the walls as they prepare to sell my childhood home.

Lifestyle thoughts

I think it’s safe to say I’m ‘out’ as poly in that everyone I care about knows. I’m in a good place in my life where I’m gently pushing my own limits, testing my own beliefs and challenging myself to find out who I am. Having the support of two amazing women is helping more than they realise.

Glasgow 2014

Picked up my uniform at the weekend, and I’ll admit it’s getting a little exciting. The Commonwealth Games may not quite have the prestige of the Olympics but they are a massive event for Glasgow as a city, and I’m looking forward to being part of the experience. If you are coming along to the swimming at Tollcross, keep an eye out for me!

Simplification and change

With my parents moving house, I’ve inherited a few bits and bobs. Looking around my flat I realise I’ve slowly been cluttering it up with … well nothing much but it feels messy, unorganised, and whilst it’s certainly starting to irk me. Not enough, yet, to do anything about it, but it feels like that time is coming.

Sorting out the physical clutter shouldn’t take me more than a couple of nights here and there but, inevitably it will prompt thoughts about what I want for my ‘living’ space and it will start to echo my thoughts on the digital spaces I inhabit.

For example, I have a two stacks of unread magazines. The subscriptions have long since been cancelled but still they sit there, waiting patiently to be perused. In digital land I use Pocket to grab articles that might be of interest. Over 100 sit unread. Should I ditch it all and get back to zero? Why do I care about ‘zero’?

Or maybe I’m over thinking and just need to have a good clear out.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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