The Wait

Reading time: < 1 min He sits down and carefully places the cold glass on the table. He squirms on the wooden chair, trying to get comfortable as he slowly looks around, taking in the clientele as some vaguely hip electronica burbles from the speaker above his head. He wonders if he’s chosen the best seat, the window offers a […]

Pieces of you

Reading time: 2 mins Your golden brown skin hides so much from me, dry and flaking it repulses me at first, pushes me away, but I know the wonders that lie underneath. Never judge a book by it’s ageing, dead cover. Inside is where your true meaning is found, your curves offer movement, your sharpness brings me to tears. […]

Over not Down

Reading time: 2 mins It’s been over a year since I last mentioned my podcast listening habits, since then I’ve changed what app I use and the list of my subscriptions has changed too. Over not Down When I started using Downcast it was largely because it was available as both iOS and OSX apps, and sync’d well between […]

The Coffee Shop

Reading time: 2 mins A welcome clichĂ©. Tourists mingle with the eclectic mix of locals; students revel in their dishevelment, bleary eyed passers-by, shoppers planning their raids, hipsters hiding behind headphones and signal red socks. The air is every sense. Rich bitter coffee, sweet cakes and savoury pastries, reflections from the pavement puddles and the cloud scrolled light, Sound upon […]

A night in the office

Reading time: 3 mins There he goes, walking through the Final Portal, leaving me here in this office again. I always get a little flashback ss the doors swing shut, back to my Delivery Day which feels so long ago now, the day I said goodbye to the Transporter – a large and kind van that wished everyone well […]

No Big Deal

Reading time: 3 mins It’s early evening. Two men sit In a car parked outside a warehouse. They are deep in conversation. “It’s definitely a sliding scale, right? I mean things that are important to you might not be important to me so how do I decide?” “Are you telling me you can’t decide what’s important in your life? […]