Podcasts Update

Reading time: 2 mins The list of podcasts I subscribe to is ever evolving, so here’s a quick update. I’ve slimmed down the number of subscriptions a little recently, and found some new ones too. Couple of things to note. As I’ve found more quality content I’m much more willing to listen to longer podcasts than I was previously, […]

Todoist update

Reading time: 3 mins Time flies when you are being all productive and shit – or something like that – anyway, I was revisiting some old blog posts recently and I spotted that it’s been a while since I mentioned the continued joy of using Todoist, in fact the last post was 17 months ago and, my oh my […]

My Own Christmas Carol

Reading time: 5 mins It’s early December, and I’m helping my Dad get the boxes down from the attic. Christmas music is playing in the living room whilst Mum declutters the everyday ornaments to make room for decorations and festive bits and bobs. We unpack the familiar glitz and glitter and start to untangle the fairy lights. One set […]


Reading time: 2 mins I think English needs new words or, at the very least, some words that exist in other languages need to be adopted. As an example, look to schadenfraude. Schadenfreude is defined as “pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. Borrowed from German into English and several other languages, it is a feeling of joy that […]

Nosce te ipsum

Reading time: 4 mins I hate myself. I just ‘verbed a noun’ and I can’t un-see it and now I’ll have to admit it and tell you that the original title for this post was ‘Do you journal?’ … I KNOW!! So there you go. Please don’t judge me (too harshly). (Who am I kidding, I know all of […]

Kate Tempest

Reading time: 2 mins Head slightly bowed, Kate Tempest casts a slightly shy, almost apologetic figure as she walks on stage to a huge roar. After thanking us for being there, and some heartfelt indications of how much she likes the ‘people and soul’ of Glasgow, she pauses and says she has something to ask us. She’s there to […]