Happily Mediocre

Reading time: 8 mins It’s World Mental Health Day, which falls at the end of a rather crap week for me, but which weirdly has re-enforced some of things I’ve developed throughout the last few months, and reminded me why I did them in the first place. What are you good at? What have you learned and practiced? I […]

Lockdown purchases

Reading time: 5 mins I think, on the whole, I’ve been pretty good at sticking to my minimal principles (replace or improve!) through lockdown with only one or two impulse buys amongst the variety of things I’ve bought, and only one item I regret although that’s more about the company than said purchase. I’ve bought somethings that are definitely […]


Reading time: 7 mins You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.


Reading time: 11 mins The ever evolving state of Gordon McLean and how he's finally found his identity.

What’s Next?

Reading time: 5 mins The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. The day of my parents 50th Anniversary – 30th of July – was when Dad fell ill and was taken to hospital with stomach pains. I visited him, the sole visitor that was allowed due to COVID restrictions, on the Friday, he was taken into the ICU […]

Saying goodbye to Dad

Reading time: 3 mins It was my Dad’s funeral this afternoon. It was a short service at a local crematorium, with only 18 attendees allowed, all of us sitting in socially distanced seats with our masks on. Surreal. That aside it was, as my Uncle Nigel said, a dignified service. The Rev Ian Miller led the way, and I […]