I iz a cyclister

Reading time: 4 mins It’s fair to say that I’m enjoy cycling way more than I expected and as someone who has the habit of jumping into new hobbies quickly (and deeply) I’m even happier that the simple joy of exploring the local countryside has yet to abate. I’m also happy to find myself capable of much more than […]

6Music app

Reading time: < 1 min Well not really, more a quick hack. Working at home I’ve been enjoying listening to the radio. For a while it was BBC Radio 2 – the joys of Popmaster far too often interrupted by meetings! – but I’m back to 6Music which always feels like ‘my’ radio station. I have a work laptop that […]

Sad comforts

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve always admired poets, admired with envy as I gaze upon their words, the way they flow, the imagery they conjure, the emotions captured and delivered with subtle grace and ingenuity. Hell even just getting a few paragraphs that follow some form of cadence is a miracle to me. Oh yes, I’ve tried my hand […]

Anti-career advice

Reading time: 9 mins A few years ago I moved from permanent salaried jobs to contracting. Ostensibly it was a shot in the dark as I needed a job, any job, at the time, and I thought why not?! It was (and still is) a means to an end. Like you I have bills to pay and so, having […]

Did a cycle

Reading time: < 1 min Starting to get my exercise mojo back after a couple of months fighting an injury and a wee chest infection; the change in the weather helps too!

22 years old

Reading time: < 1 min This blog is. That’s quite a long time. Even though posting is more sporadic than ever, it’s still going. Bonkers. Happy Birthday little blog. That is all.