Hotel Life

Reading time: 3 mins Hotels are strange places. Particular the big chains that always give me pause when I am woken from my slumber by an early alarm, those initial few seconds it takes to remember where I am in the world when confronted by yet another bland room with the exact same layout as the other bland rooms […]

Everything changes

Reading time: 4 mins We human beings are a strange and complicated lot in many ways, none more so than when something alters in our worldview. I know that change is viewed by a lot of people as a bad thing yet it seems that, when it is thrust upon us, we adapt to it far more easily than […]

Que será será

Reading time: 2 mins I start a new job this week – on a Wednesday for some reason – my first new job for several years. It wasn’t planned but as my first day approaches I’m getting more and more eager to get going. Throughout my career working life I’ve only ever really wanted to do something useful, I’ve […]

24 years old

Reading time: < 1 min Happy Birthday you old blog you! It started with this nonsense about sunglasses, which feels appropriate as, at this very moment I am on holiday in France and have the beginnings of tan lined where my sunglasses sit on my face. The publishing frequency has dropped but as life evolves I am not giving up […]

Moving Home

Reading time: 4 mins Coming home I feel like I,Designed these buildings I walk by Guy Garvey (Elbow) – Station Approach When I finally left Dumbarton, the town I grew up in, a place that holds more memories for me than any other, I never looked back. I’d long since felt like I’d outgrown the increasingly claustrophobic small town […]

The Disappearing Dad

Reading time: 9 mins And here we are, half past three in the morning. I’m the only one awake, in my lap my son is gently snoring, my wife is asleep in our bed, the dogs are asleep on the sofa downstairs. The dark is punctured by a night light, the stillness outside broken occasionally by a car, it […]