Blogiverary: 23 years

Reading time: < 1 min Whilst the arrival of my son has curtailed posting here recently, I still have plans to post more often but as ever life is, wonderfully, gloriously, getting in the way. 23 years is a long time to be doing anything on a semi-regular basis and this blog has seen me through several major life events; […]

22 years old

Reading time: < 1 min This blog is. That’s quite a long time. Even though posting is more sporadic than ever, it’s still going. Bonkers. Happy Birthday little blog. That is all.

And the keys go clack

Reading time: 2 mins Blocked. Stuck. Static. Nothing. OK, that’s four very similar words, that’s a start. Let’s build on that. There must be something I can write about. Somewhere. Come on brain, let’s do this. There is something in there somewhere. You know how this works. Starting writing. The words will come. Won’t they? I read an article […]

21 years

Reading time: < 1 min On the 2nd of June, 1999, I wrote about Sunglasses. Once I’d written it I opened an HTML page template I had created by hand, pasted the text in, formatted it using the few HTML tags I had available, updated all the site links to include the new post (I had a sidebar back then […]

The Recap: March 2020

Reading time: 2 mins Safe to say that March will be memorable for one thing and one thing only. Coronavirus and lockdown. It’s meant adjusting routines, and whilst I’m working the hours are dropping. We remain in good spirits though and if nothing else it’s given me time to crack on with some other things, including a revisit of […]

The Recap: February 2020

Reading time: 2 mins I think I will remember February for mostly being wet and windy. Was there a time when there wasn’t a new storm landing on our shores to decimate a weekend? Elsewhere, Sasha has recovered well from her operation and is now happily ensconced back on the sofa (or on my lap) where she should be, […]