Today is now

Reading time: 7 mins I’m a sucker for a plan. I consider myself a goal driven guy. The type of person that’ll find the motivation they need by setting a goal, then doubling down by adding a healthy dose of guilt when I publicly state my intentions. I’ve always got half a mind on finding new challenges which inevitably […]

Reasons to work

Reading time: 5 mins I’ve been made been made redundant three times in my career, so far, and the first two were from my first two jobs. Not a great start, you’d think. The first time was from a small Scottish company called Crossaig (I built their website back in 1999, christ I’m old…) they were, in hindsight, just […]

Almost 50

Reading time: 4 mins Apparently old age hits when you are 68, or so I read. I’m not sure why that is, and I’m sure smarter people than me have outlined the reasons in great detail but, on the whole, it sounds about right given that I’m soon to turn 50 and I do not think I’m all that […]


Reading time: 4 mins This may come as a surprise to some of you but, believe it or not, I’m not really that into fashion. I know, you’d never tell from looking at me, right?!! It’s not that I don’t understand fashion and the part it plays in society but personally I veer more towards practical clothing, even if […]

Everything changes

Reading time: 4 mins We human beings are a strange and complicated lot in many ways, none more so than when something alters in our worldview. I know that change is viewed by a lot of people as a bad thing yet it seems that, when it is thrust upon us, we adapt to it far more easily than […]


Reading time: 2 mins For many years my Dad performed at Burns Suppers; singing, reciting poems, or delivering various parts of the usual speeches, including the β€˜infamous’ Toast to the Lassies. Latterly he became involved with Dumbarton Burns Club holding various positions on the committee, and whenever Burns Night rolls around my thoughts immediately roll back to memories of […]