
Reading time: 11 mins The ever evolving state of Gordon McLean and how he's finally found his identity.

Saying goodbye to Dad

Reading time: 3 mins It was my Dad’s funeral this afternoon. It was a short service at a local crematorium, with only 18 attendees allowed, all of us sitting in socially distanced seats with our masks on. Surreal. That aside it was, as my Uncle Nigel said, a dignified service. The Rev Ian Miller led the way, and I […]

Happily Happy

Reading time: 5 mins It was a fairly standard evening. We’d had our dinner and were watching a little TV together, it’s part of our routine to unwind and destress from our working days, we chat over dinner and then spend a few quiet moments sitting together, distracting ourselves with (currently) episodes of Modern Family. As soon as she […]

Chocolate Raisins

Reading time: 3 mins I’m guessing it all started with Sun-Maid Raisins. If you are of a certain age (shut up at the back!) they were a staple part of your packed lunch, sitting right next to the tuna paste sandwich and, if you were really lucky, a carton of Ribena. Ahh yes that little red cardboard box that […]

The new normal

Reading time: < 1 min My alarm goes off at 7:30am. I get up and have breakfast. At 8:00am I log in to my work laptop, check any tasks/calls for the coming day. I take a break every 50 minutes to stand and stretch. I write in my journal during a break. At midday I stop for lunch. After that […]

What a wonderful world

Reading time: 4 mins Wrote this a couple of days ago, still processing all this, still adjusting. We are ok. I am ok but my emotions are veering all over the place from ‘it’s horrible but we will get through it’ to utter fury and outrage at the reaction of a government I didn’t vote for, to a quiet […]