Tracking my aims

Reading time: 4 mins tldr; I set myself some aims at the start of the year and, by and large, I’ve been mostly successful at sticking to them. Yay! I wrote a few weeks ago about some aims I had for the coming months, all of which were built from one core resolution, and I’m happy to say that […]

Progress update

Reading time: < 1 min At the start of the year I set out some aims for myself and, in the spirit of accountability, here’s how I’m doing with each. Writing – Write in my journal every day Progress – I have written in my journal everyday for the past 45 days! What’s next? – Get back into writing short […]

Why explore?

Reading time: 6 mins The full moon glowed, peeking out from behind the racing clouds. Glimpsed through the dark winter branches the surface, in all its mysterious pockmarked glory, seemed visceral, a small step away, a gentle leap into the night sky. As the clouds parted, glittering stars appeared, transporting me to places at the edge of imagination, beyond […]

Aims not goals

Reading time: 3 mins I’ve already stated that my main resolution for 2020 is to be more mindful when I use social media. My reasoning is that I want to waste less time aimlessly scrolling, to give me more time to do other things that I get more personal value from, things that I know are good for me […]

Same hae meat

Reading time: 6 mins Welcome to the year 2020! A new year has arrived and with it a new resolve is found and plans are forged; a time of personal goals and improvements, a time to re-invent, to start over, to become a better you! To help you in your quest you’ll be pleased to find there are many […]


Reading time: 3 mins A new decade lies before us. And I have a resolution for this coming year (and goals for the next three). Let’s start with that resolution: I resolve to limit my time on social media. I acknowledge that I won’t ever be fully off-line but I’m determined to step away from the mindless scrolling and […]