Busy busy

Reading time: 3 mins I’m almost approaching my first year at Allied Vehicles and I’m busier than ever but, looking back I can see how far things have come since I joined. It’s a very small team, in a very fast paced environment and a lot of what I’m trying to do is help mature our own processes. With […]

Open the mic

Reading time: 2 mins This is my first timeAt one of theseand I find myself willing, hopingthat it won’t be shitno withering on the vine But it will be shitsay the voices in my headloudly spokenfilling me with dread Stop looking at me, but please side eye me your approval slide it along the floorso I may stoopand bowing, […]

Forever writing my song

Reading time: 3 mins In another life I am a songwriter, likely a piano based performer of my own songs, or perhaps a conductor of a small orchestra. Some of the songs I write are upbeat, proclaiming a love of life, the beauty of a moment stolen, the quiet joy of a tiny yellow flower breathing life into a […]

My Generation

Reading time: 3 mins I am 50 years old. Whatever that means. Scientifically, presuming you buy into the whole notion of how we measure (and if you don’t, eh… jog on ya weirdo!), that means I have been on this tiny little planet as it’s taken 50 revolutions around the sun and I’ve managed to stay alive. I don’t […]

Matthew Perry

Reading time: 3 mins Many years ago there was one of those early internet meme things doing the rounds. You picked three TV characters you thought best represented you, mine were; (If I’d put more thought into this, I’d swap out Gordon the Gopher for Lorelai Gilmore because ‘attitude and coffee’). It was, as ever with such things, a […]

Today is now

Reading time: 7 mins I’m a sucker for a plan. I consider myself a goal driven guy. The type of person that’ll find the motivation they need by setting a goal, then doubling down by adding a healthy dose of guilt when I publicly state my intentions. I’ve always got half a mind on finding new challenges which inevitably […]