
Reading time: 3 mins Amongst the many internet trends – the commercialisation of happiness, the quasi-religion of productivity approaches – there is one phrase that makes my toes curl and my blood start to simmer. “Do what you love.” It’s a distillation of a thought first offered by Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have […]

I am Dolly Parton

Reading time: 2 mins This post is brought to you by the Dolly Parton song ‘Nine to Five’. You’re welcome (hey, it’s been stuck in my head for days now, just thought I’d share the joy). As I think I’ve mentioned, I got a new job late last year. I now work in a big office (well, two, actually) […]

Professional Pride

Reading time: 2 mins My official job title is Product Operations Manager. I’m still not quite sure what that means as the role is still fairly new to me, and to the company. My main day to day role is to help the team of Product Managers, Product Architects, Business Analysts and UX designers shape and scope out the […]

House of Cards: What can I learn?

Reading time: 2 mins Fear not, I am a fan of House of Cards so there are no spoilers here, a fair spattering of melodrama perhaps but that’s all mine and, for what it’s worth, I quite enjoy it. I am easily affected. I take on traits, mannerisms and tropes with no real forethought and file it as part […]

If I wasn’t doing this

Reading time: 2 mins What would I be doing? When people ask me, if you could do anything, what job would you do? Well, I tend to flippantly respond by saying that I’d be a Zookeeper. Part of me believes that. The part that loves animals, that finds them fascinating and would love to spend more time around them. Part of […]


Reading time: < 1 min I’ve had insomnia on and off for years but in the last year or so it’s started to occur more frequently. I’m starting to figure it out though and it’s definitely work related. It seems that, during periods of high stress, my insomnia kicks in. Beyond that I’m a bit hazy about why I wake […]