Finding Ada

Reading time: 2 mins This should be easy. I work in a software company, I’ve only ever worked in software companies so, in honour of Ada Lovelace Day (what do you mean, who?) I should be able to join in “sharing stories of women — whether engineers, scientists, technologists or mathematicians — who have inspired you to become who you are […]

Finding Ada

Reading time: 2 mins This should be easy. I work in a software company, I’ve only ever worked in software companies so, in honour of Ada Lovelace Day (what do you mean, who?) I should be able to join in “sharing stories of women — whether engineers, scientists, technologists or mathematicians — who have inspired you to become who you are […]

On pedantry

Reading time: 2 mins I start this blog post with an admission and an apology. Admission: I am a manager, I don’t spend a lot (any) of my time writing technical content these days. Apology: One of my weakest areas is in the intricacies and ‘correctness’ of grammar. * That said, there is one thing that continues to frustrate […]

What do we want?

Reading time: 2 mins At TCUK12 this year, I chatted with several people about authoring tools. Vendors, other technical writers, managers, I asked the same two questions, again and again. What authoring application do you use, and why do you use it? The answers were illuminating, interesting and always useful. There are many, many options out there, catering to […]

So that was TCUK12

Reading time: < 1 min It’s been a few days since I got home after the Technical Communications Conference this year, and I’ve been digesting and mulling over some of the ideas and thoughts gathered from the speakers and conversations. The conference was in a new location, Newcastle, and that brought a different feel to the event. Hard to put […]

Working globally

Reading time: < 1 min The big picture is coming together. Development teams in seven different locations round the world, contracted technical writers in some locations, none in others and a product line that is merging… why that all sounds like a challenge! I’m still in discussion about how we will gather information from disparate teams using different processes (some […]